Apr 6, 2013

Job ticket ジョブチケット

From this January 1st, government introduced the system job ticket. This is for employees who commutes in public transportation. In this system, company would pay for commuters but this extra income will be treated without tax. Actually, goverment accounced in February and it should be in act from January 1st.

この1月1日から、政府がジョブチケットを導入した。 これは公共交通機関を使って仕事に通う全ての人の定期代を、会社が支払い、その収入分を税金の対象外とするもの。実際には2月に発表されたが、1月1日まで遡って有効ということになっている。

There was the system since 2011. But it was just for employees who commutes more than 20km. From this year, this was expanded to all commuters.


In Japan, it is quite common from long time ago. The fee for 3 to 6 months pass will be transfered in bank account from the company before the ticket becomes invalid. Many Japanese job seekers would normally select companies that will pay for their transportation. But this is not legally defined in Japan and its handling differes from company to company.


The leader of worker's union in my company asked me the other day, how much I pay for my ticket. I had to buy my new ticket until the end of March. All paper job seemed to take much longer, so I already bought the new one. Maybe from the next year, I do not have to pay for it.
先日、組合の世話役がチケットにいくら払っているかを聞いてきた。手続きにもう少し時間がかかるとのこと。今回は3月末で定期が切れるので、結局自分で買ったが、 来年からはその必要がなくなる。

I would buy the Austrian card which is valid for a year and all Austrian railway nets, and it is not very cheap. From this year, it costs 1640 Euro, but to my surprise,  it costs cheaper than the last year for more than 100 Euro! 


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